Leslie & Scott - Married at the Boston Harbor Hotel

Leslie and Scott were married at the Boston Harbor Hotel earlier this month. I don’t know what has been going on with this weather, but it was of course supposed to pour all day, and early in the day it totally looked like it was going to. I’ve told all my brides who are worried about the rain that it “absolutely” won’t rain on their day, and this was the 8th wedding this year that it indeed held off for them! I know I will regret saying this one day, ha! What can you do? Nothing.

The Chickenslacks were the band that Leslie & Scott hired for their wedding, and if you’ve never been to the Cantab on Thursday nights to boogie to their music, you definitely should! I was so excited to work with them! I also loved the flowers (I know, flowers are normally not my thing!) by Lotus Designs in Boston. Leslie’s step-mother made cake-pops as escort cards, and I got to eat a couple extra, yum!

Thank you Leslie & Scott for having me at your wedding and congratulations on your marriage!

bride getting ready at boston harbor hotel

bride getting ready at boston harbor hotel

bride putting on dress in boston harbor hotel

wedding ceremony in the pavilion at boston harbor hotel

bride groom portraits waterfront boston

first dance and flowers

wedding reception at boston harbor hotel

Rachael & Peter, wed at Endicott Park & party at Salem Town Hall

High School sweethearts. Rachael showed me the yearbook from when Peter’s parents went to the same high school and met. You know these two from their P-town engagement session earlier this summer. I love how crazy Rachael is, always laughing and acting silly and Peter watches her with a look on his face that to me says “she’s awesome.”. They both are.

As I was arriving for the day, I drove by Peter’s house and thought to myself “I *hope* this is the house Rachael is getting ready at!” but realized it was not, and arrived to a house down the road. Turns out I had mixed up the addresses when I double-checked before I went in (I *always* double-check!) – So I excitedly went back to the 300 year old barn/maze of a house. There are turtles and big-horned sheep heads. Yeah.

Their wedding was held at Endicott Park, and their reception at Salem Old Town Hall. Rachael & Peter, congratulations on your marriage!

bride and groom with hens

bride getting ready in 300 year old house

wedding ceremony endicott park

post-ceremony in the trees

bride groom portraits endicott park

Salem Town Hall wedding reception

A huge thank you to my second shooter (you’ll see some of his photos in the reception cluster!), Forrest, for kicking ass for me that day!

Annmarie & Brian are getting married at Moraine Farm!

Annmarie and Brian are such fun people. They are so silly with each other that I don’t think I stopped laughing during our shoot and my cheeks hurt after! We met up at Russell Orachards in Ipswitch for some apple picking and cider donut eating and then headed over to Crane Beach. Even though it was overcast and rainy the whole time (especially when we got to the beach! I kept having to take breaks to clean off my lens every minute!) that did not mean they weren’t going to have a blast. We all came out of it happy and soaking wet. They will be getting married at Moraine Farm next June!

apple orchard engagement photos

apple orchard engagement photos

crane beach engagement photos

crane beach engagement photos

crane beach engagement photos

Becky & Tyler

You remember Becky and Tyler? With Tyler’s Scrabble board proposal story?! These two have been one of my favorite couples to work with this year. When you are around such positive and happy people, it is hard to not allow their energy rub off on you. Becky is constantly smiling when Tyler is around, and Tyler is so sweet in the way he acts around Becky, you can tell just how much he cares about her. Ah! I love you guys! They were married at the church that Becky grew up in, and their reception was held at Grace Restaurant in Downtown Portland, Maine. Grace was one of the coolest restaurants I’ve seen, and their food was amazing! I would definitely recommend a meal here it if you have not gone. I cannot wait until my next trip to Portland so that I can visit Grace again.

Below are a mix of digital and medium format film shot with my Mamiya 645 and Kodak Portra 800 film.

bride & groom in downtown portland

bride getting ready

bride putting on dress

wedding ceremony

<p.I always encourage my couples to spend even just 2 minutes alone together after their ceremony to soak in what just happened before the craziness of the wedding reception begins.

post-ceremony alone time

downtown portland bridal party portraits

bride and groom outside Grace Restaurant

wedding reception at Grace Restaurant

wedding reception at Grace Restaurant


Anisa & Nick are engaged!

Anisa and Nick met in college and are getting married in December at the Benson in Portland, Oregon! This is my first of a few of Oregon weddings I have booked for this year and next and I have to say I am so pumped! Upon meeting them in person, I instantly knew that we would get along great. Anisa is a cake decorator & toy creator (She’ll have a booth at the Bazaar Bizarre this December for those of you who like to attend!) and Nick is a med student. I heard rumblings of them perhaps moving back to Portland, where Nick is from, after school. Yay!

Congratulations Anisa & Nick!

engagement photos boston public garden

engagement photos boston public garden

engagement photos sweet cupcakes

engagement photos marlborough street

*We are relocating to Portland, Oregon next year and so I am transitioning my business to the west coast slowly but surely!

Sabine & Jonathan Married at the Delaney House!

Sabine and Jonathan’s wedding was the last wedding I shot before leaving for my own wedding just a couple days later! They currently live in Germany and planned their wedding from there. The couple had their ceremony at Stevens Chapel in Easthampton (which is located on the campus where the two met at their 10 year high school reunion) and included a mix between traditional German traditions and American traditions. Before their wedding, Sabine let me know that there would be “German games” being played in between the ceremony and the reception and when I asked what she meant by that, she couldn’t really describe it because it’s a surprise that the family puts on for the couple. You’ll see! Also, notice the little piggy following the couple around all day. His/her name is Hoshi and is a symbol for good luck. I love how the German’s dance, it’s all about the line dance! The DJ’s played German music all night long, and I have no idea why but when they played “Viva Colonia” the floor blew up! I have never seen so many different types of vodka provided by a venue before, that must have been a special request 🙂

Thank you Sabine and Jonathan for having me and giving me some really sweet last-minute wedding day advice. It *really* came in handy!

bride getting ready

bride and groom at Stevens Chapel

german wedding games

german wedding games

german wedding games

german wedding pig

bride and groom

wedding reception at delaney house

reception at delay house


What would we do without them? You had better believe with my wedding just around the corner (10 days, but who is counting?!) I’ve found my “sentimental” side. I wanted to share some photographs that I took of my friend, Meredith a few weeks ago. Every time I go to Maine, I make sure to fit a visit to Mere, Michael, and Orvis into my schedule, even if it’s just for 10 minutes! I just tried to scroll through pages of emails to find out when we first “met”. Sometime in 2009 is all I have! I remember falling in love with her blog back then and my brother, who is in the pet industry, had met Mere before. I think I asked him if he would “hook us up” or something, I can’t remember exactly. Since then, and especially over the last year and a half, she has become one of my closest friends. She’s one of those people that you could call at 3am crying in need of a major vent-session. A keeper. I am so so so excited that next week she will be shooting our wedding out in Oregon!

As much as she dislikes being in front of the camera, she is always there to let me test out rolls of film on her (so nice!). These are taken with my Mamiya 645 80mm 2.8 on Kodak Ektar 100. Love the greens!


Miami on medium format black & white film

You may have noticed my blog posts slowing a bit right now. I apologize! I have been super crazy lately shooting tons of wicked fun weddings while buttoning up all the last minute details for my own wedding! I am scheduling lots of fun blog posts for when I am away but until then enjoy these black and whites from Miami a couple weeks ago. You are probably thinking, “who brings black and white film to Miami?”. I brought 1 roll because I ran out of color just before I left and had planned on picking some up down there, but didn’t want to be completely empty-handed. Do you know what does not exist on South Beach? A camera store that sells 120 film, that’s what. It’s ok though, I really love these. They are a bit eerie, don’t you think? I shot these on Kodak t-max 100 bringing me back to high school developing days, on my new Mamiya 645 afdII that I convinced myself to buy for our honeymoon in Alaska. As it turns out I’ve been shooting a lot with it at weddings and my couples are loving it!