I just took 10 days off, fairly unplugged, in the middle of nowhere in Iceland. I drove over 1300 miles around the entire country and I spent Thanksgiving eating fish and chips. This was my second trip to this amazing country and I’m already planning my next visit. There is something truly special about it, and if you ever get a chance to visit do not hesitate!
I was in such a hustle to deliver all images to my clients before I left so that I could truly enjoy my vacation with nothing work-related on my mind. It was amazing to do that. From now on that is what I will strive for. Thanks to my intern this year, who has taught me how to organize my days so that I can spend more time doing what I love.
Many more weddings and other things to blog, but before I get back to business here is a shot I took by Lake Mývatn. I sorta can’t believe this is a photograph, and a color one at that. Taken with my Mamiya Univeral on Fuji FP100C. This is a straight scan of the negative.