I met up with Casey, Kent and their pup Bradie last month in Kennebunkport, Maine last month on quite a gloomy looking day. I love photographing with [...]
I got to visit Iceland for the 2nd time at the end of 2013. I have now been there during their longest days and their shortest days. The main differen[...]
I have been wanting to do one of these end-of-year posts for a couple years now. Putting this together was much more interesting than I thought it wou[...]
Happy New Year everyone! Now that 2014 is here, I am so excited about what this year has in store so far. I took a couple weeks off around Christmas t[...]
I hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday season! I met up with Lauren & Tyler a few weeks ago on a rainy Sunday afternoon by their home in Eas[...]
I just took 10 days off, fairly unplugged, in the middle of nowhere in Iceland. I drove over 1300 miles around the entire country and I spent Thanksgi[...]
When I was in college there was this commercial for Citibank. I don't dare watch it now because I'm afraid that it is not the fantasy that I remember.[...]
Juliana & Dave were married last month at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation. Despite the rain, they were able to hold their cere[...]
Jessica & Robin were married last month (the day before the Breaking Bad series finale which I was reminded about several times during the day!) a[...]
My feet hurt, my back hurts my hands hurt. As I close in on my final weddings of the season I'm taking a second to reflect as I write this from gate C[...]