What would we do without them? You had better believe with my wedding just around the corner (10 days, but who is counting?!) I’ve found my “sentimental” side. I wanted to share some photographs that I took of my friend, Meredith a few weeks ago. Every time I go to Maine, I make sure to fit a visit to Mere, Michael, and Orvis into my schedule, even if it’s just for 10 minutes! I just tried to scroll through pages of emails to find out when we first “met”. Sometime in 2009 is all I have! I remember falling in love with her blog back then and my brother, who is in the pet industry, had met Mere before. I think I asked him if he would “hook us up” or something, I can’t remember exactly. Since then, and especially over the last year and a half, she has become one of my closest friends. She’s one of those people that you could call at 3am crying in need of a major vent-session. A keeper. I am so so so excited that next week she will be shooting our wedding out in Oregon!
As much as she dislikes being in front of the camera, she is always there to let me test out rolls of film on her (so nice!). These are taken with my Mamiya 645 80mm 2.8 on Kodak Ektar 100. Love the greens!