Alex & Tyler got married last month up at the Portland Company Marine Complex and I am excited to share their wedding with you very soon. They don’t live in New England, and Tyler had only just stepped off the plane shortly before I met up with them 2 days before their wedding at the Spring Point Ledge Light in South Portland. I make all of my couples get together with me before their wedding, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. It helps in a huge way get out any camera shyness anyone may be feeling. I’m so glad they were able to fit me in their crazy pre-wedding schedule!
This was one of those days where there was a huge storm for about 20 minutes just before we were scheduled to meet up. I’m super thankful for the weather app Dark Sky that I’ve been using for the last 2 seasons. It actually REALLY helps for a wedding day. I knew I didn’t have to cancel our shoot because it’s oddly accurate down to the minute. In New England we rarely have amazing lighting conditions, but I had never seen light like this. Pictures don’t even do it justice! I was pretty much falling overmyself about how amazing the light was, complete with misty foggy horizon. I know this is pretty common most other places in the country, particularly the pacific northwest, but it is so rare here. I wanted to hug and kiss it, and never let it leave.
Congratulations Alex & Tyler!
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