It’s 27 degrees here in Boston and we’re getting about an inch of snow per hour and I am happy to report that me and the dog are warm and snuggly in our apartment. This blog hasn’t been updated in a couple weeks, I know…Truth is, there have been some hectic times over here in the Roberts-Robert household. Hectic in a good way though, dare I say *awesome* way. I can’t wait to share it with the world. While you’re all dying to hear what this news is (most of you probably know already ha ha!), I give you some other news: I had a photograph of mine in a magazine! I think that is pretty cool. Minus my stint in the LOLdogs book (can we never mention that again after today? Not my finest hour…) I’ve never seen any of my images published in a real, live, magazine! Whee!

See me there?! 😀

My image is there on the right…the robot cake toppers! This also was taken at the very first wedding I ever shot on my own, also pretty cool.

In other exiciting news, I am a new proud owner of Nikon’s newest prime lens! 35mm 1.4. I am super excited about this focal length. Why Nikon didn’t have one before now, I’ll never understand. I don’t like using zoom lenses too much and 50mm was as wide as I had. The 24mm was *too* wide for me and the 35mm is the sweet spot of perfectness. I am so excited to use it at my first wedding this year! I don’t think any lens could replace the love I feel for my 50mm 1.4, but she (her name is Jellybean) will certainly try! Here are a couple of photographs I took when I got it a couple of days ago. They are of Emma, of course 🙂

I hope everyone is staying warm today!