Caitlin and Ira are so much fun. They were married last weekend at the Willowdale Estate in Topsfield, which is a really fun wedding venue! I loved working with these two. My favorite part about them is the way Ira’s whole body language changes when Caitlin is around. He is truly smitten with her all the time, and it’s so fun to watch. I don’t remember what it was about their ceremony that made me cry, but it did. I also loved that they exchanged vows before the ceremony privately (well, I was there!). I asked Ira if they were going to read them again at the ceremony and he said nope, these are personal & just for us – I LOVE THAT. We might steal it. 🙂
I hope the two of you are having a great time at Mt. Washington with your new puppy, Charlie!

Nothing like a little bridesmaid dress adjustment just before!