Anna & Steve were married at Steve’s childhood church in Clinton, MA and the reception was held at Butternut Farms. You might remember them from their engagement session with their two adorable (and extremely well-behaved) goldens. I love Anna & Steve because they were my official first wedding booking and my last wedding of the year. I think I had zero portfolio to show them, maybe a couple from second shooting. I remember nervously walking into Starbucks on my lunch break to meet with them and as we were sitting there my boss walked in! I totally ignored him, I think he knew what was up. 🙂 I cannot thank my couples this year enough (especially these two!) for taking a chance on me!
I was totally in love with this couple’s family. Anna is from Russia and her parents had actually never been to an American wedding! Her mum was so concerned that she was doing everything correct, it was adorable. I told her she could fall on her face, her skirt flying over her head and everything would still be awesome. She laughed. I loved watching the way Steve’s dad played with the children, totally a kid at heart! Here are the photographs…
