I shot this wedding back in September and it is making it’s way to the blog just now! Talk about busy.
Erin & Elliott had their wedding ceremony on Spectacle Island which is about a 20 minute ferry ride if I remember correctly, into the Boston Harbor. This day it was supposed to downpour and I remember looking back from Spectacle Island to Boston and seeing rainclouds dumping on the city, but not on us. After the ceremony there was a lobster/clam bake catered by Summer Shack on the island. Then off everyone went onto the James F. Doherty cruise boat for the reception. Having the reception on a boat was a fantastic idea, they had a live band and we cruised over by Castle Island, where the planes come in for landing. So fun.

I took most of these next shots in pure darkness. There was a string of twinkle lights on the boat, but that was it!